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Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials Badge Small (72dpi).png

Cyber Essentials is a Government-backed scheme that helps protect organisations and their clients against the most common cyber attacks.


By displaying the Cyber Essentials badge, Marjolo

  • demonstrates its commitment to cyber security in relation to our own data as well as our clients' data.

  • can offer reassurance and peace of mind that we work to secure our systems against cyber attack.

  • we regularly update our security systems to ensure compliance with the Cyber Essentials certification and that our security is the best it can be.

  • offers immediate compliance to government and official bodies that require additional security reassurance due to the involvement of particularly sensitive data.


Cyber attacks come in many shapes and sizes, with some particularly basic in nature, to more sophisticated techniques intended to disrupt whole business infrastructures causing disruption, time and financial resources.


Marjolo is dedicated to preventing these attacks.


Cyber Essentials is an independently verified assessment, requiring a qualified assessor to verify all the information provided.

The Cyber Essentials Badge can only be used by organisations that have passed the relevant assessment.


If you require more information, please click here.

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